Through the DreamsAfrica Mentoring Campus- based model, mentors and mentees meet in a supervised environment at a set time on campus –
Though one-on-one, where one mentor is assigned to one mentee, the model is regulated to help volunteer mentors manage their schedules for consistency. The Campus-based model allows the mentoring to be done in the presence of other mentors and mentees. This provides a sense of security for these mentees of which some are yet developing their confidence and assertiveness.
Mentors who are signed onto the program commit to mentoring for an academic year 8 hours per month; although there is room for continuity of the mentoring relationship for the 3 or 4 years’ academic period depending on the outcomes of the assessments.
The DreamsAfrica Mentoring programs are incubated in tertiary campuses, partnering junior High schools, and selected communities within the regions of Ghana (to be extended to other African countries).
All Campus-based programs are supported by The DreamsAfrica Mentoring Programs Strategist who work directly with Lead Campus Coordinators to ensure the smooth running of the programs.
These Lead Campus Coordinators work together to build a conducive environment, provide resources, support systems, safety nets and training for all volunteers. The DreamsAfrica Mentoring programs incorporate a number of initiatives that helps to meet the mentee’s individual needs.
Mentors also help their mentees with career development, public speaking skills development, academic goals setting and play games that encourage socialization and Leadership.